Friday, August 3, 2012

A New Generation

My heart is overflowing with pride, that families who have lived in Lower Lafitte for well over 80 years has continued to grow such beautiful little red beans.

On August 1st 2012, God gave us the blessing of raising a new baby in our wonderful community.  This is my BEAUTIFUL grand daughter Maelie Rose Navero.  She is a 5th generation Lafittian, and what that truly means is that she will be loved and cared for by a whole community.  This is why we stay, this is why we endure the heartache of hurricane season, so we can see our children and grandchildren grow up and thrive in the awesome place we call HOME.  As Dorothy said... 
There's no place like HOME !

Welcome to this place we call paradise Maelie.  May you grow to love it as much as we do.

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