Friday, October 5, 2012

Jean Lafitte establishes Hurricane Isaac recovery fund

To help residents in the Jean Lafitte area struggling to recover from Hurricane Isaac, the town is setting up a fund to be administered by a nonprofit, Mayor Tim Kerner said Thursday. Donations may be sent to Hurricane Isaac Recovery Fund, Jean Lafitte Town Hall, 2654 Jean Lafitte Blvd., Lafitte, LA 70067 or by calling 504.689.2208 for more details.

House in Lafitte as Hurricane Isaac hits on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2012.jpg 
Kerner said 150 to 300 homes were flooded after Isaac stalled over the lower Jefferson area for more than 60 hours in late August. Kerner said this week he has been in discussions with two nonprofits that will oversee distribution of donations to the area to assist hurricane victims.
Some residents have reported difficulty in receiving assistance through federal programs as well as insurance reimbursements. Isaac was the fourth storm in seven years to flood Jean Lafitte, Crown Point and Barataria.

By Andrea Shaw, Staff writer

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